A Little Warning About ZenniOptical.com

About 2 weeks ago I bought 4 pairs of eyeglasses from ZenniOptical.com and got them about a week. Ordering from them was a cinch and enjoyable. But (there’s always a but), when 2 the pairs that were for me ran a little small; the other 2 were for the kids and fit them perfectly. One of the was a medium (#730712) and bearable but the other which was supposed to be medium/large (#730712) but actually smaller than the medium.

Immediately I emailed support asking for a refund. But they said, “after your return has been processed by our office, you will receive a refund in the amount of fifty percent of the production cost of the returned glasses. We do not reimburse for shipping and handling. So, I asked if I could exchange? Again they repeated that it was my fault and should have read the sizing instructions, which I did! Additionally I had already ordered from them before:

The brown case and pair to the right are from an older ZenniOptical.com order; IMO when their quality was much better. Look at the cases they give you now, about half the size of the original. They really cram them in there. I digressed a little didn’t I? As stated they didn’t care I am a repeat customer or the fact that they glasses I got for myself were bought as spares and dirt cheap. Why would I scam them over $15? Additionally, of the four I bought these were the cheapest! Oh, the photographic proof of their mislabeling/sizing:

No more buying them for me, especially after what I just went through. I know it’s only $15, but its the principle of it all… how easily they took my money but can careless if they made a sizing mistake. So, be careful if you are thinking about ordering from them. Oh, by the way I’ll be keeping them because it just doesn’t make sense: $15+s/h, return for 50% ($7.50)-s/h costs(3.75)=3.75. That means I paid $12 and some change for their sizing mistake and end up with nothing!



26 Replies to “A Little Warning About ZenniOptical.com”

  1. I had similar but my fault I did not measure
    temple. They were same size lens of one I had so used the nice kit they sent me to swap lenses. I have had a few problems but they made it good. They will refund within 30 days if you persist.

  2. I have ordered from Zenni 4x now and have been happy with them EVERY time. It is true that you need to check the measurements on the glasses before you order. Also, my kids are age 17, 10 and 9 and each of them order from the adult glasses. As far as the glasses you ordered, since they are cheap, maybe you can donate them or just keep them for emergency use only. Order new glasses…even Zenni’s most expensive pair of glasses is WAY cheaper than what you would pay at any eyeglass store!

  3. WARNING!! Do not fall for the Zenni Scam

    Cheap glasses made in Chinese sweatshops which you cannot return. I have bought numerous glasses and all have quality issues which you cannot return for 100% refunds. Go to GlassesUSA or Parker Warby for better quality and service.

    Buy North American!

  4. If you approach buying from Zenni logically it is almost fullproof. Of course eyeglasses are difficult to return. They’re your prescription! Heres the logic part…go to any place that sells glasses and find the size thats best for you. Write down the 3 sets of numbers and then order the same size from Zenni!!! Works EVERY TIME. If you choose not to do this then you get what you get. Ive saved probably $2000.00 overall and every pair has been fine. Think people!

  5. I ordered glasses for my wife. no line bifocal & 10 % tint. When we recieved them last week they were 50 % tint. Too dark for her to wear after dark & too dark when shopping. Everything else is great, just need to get the tint changed.
    What should we do?

  6. I just got the glasses I ordered and the lenses are awful. I called and it will take weeks and it’s a big IF they think there is an issue. Well the issue is the middle of the progressive lens is great – the sides are blurred and the bottom of the lens that should be for reading is a complete blur. I called customer service – after 25 minutes got no where.

    I am a breast cancer survivor and out of work and really needed these to see so I can put out applications etc… I am beyond frustrated, hurting and upset and now broke.

    They are crooks who don’t give a damn. Based in San Francisco – basically hiding with all the cash from hard working people and THEY – DO – NOT – CARE. Greedy people headed to hell is my guess.

  7. Zenni Optical may produces glasses in China but you can be assured they are excellent excellent quality. China is not living in the Dark Ages and everything you buy in the United States is made in China anyway. You can bet your last dollar the Walmart glasses are made in China. With 1.3 billion people I think they have the expertise to produce quality eyeglasses. I have used Zenni for several years and always satisfied.

  8. I bought 3 pairs last fall. One fell out of the car as I opened it. The frames shattered as they hit the sidewalk. That happened within weeks of receiving them. The case was very tight, smashing them.
    That second pair lasted longer. One night I put them I the case. The next morning when I I opened the case, the right arm was broken in 3 places. Also the prescription wss wrong ion the left lens.
    The third pair I ordered sunglasses. The are very close to breaking so I don’t use the case.
    I got complim on all3 glasses. However. I will never buy again from Zenni. Also I will not encourage otjersbto buy groom Zenni

  9. I took the measurements from my last two pairs of glasses and utilized their “try on” thing and had no issues. Measurements were spot on. My glasses have been knocked down by cats and never broke, and our gelding knock his jaw into my glasses really hard on several occasions and not had an issue. These held up better than the glasses I bought locally for nearly $200 and these were under $40 with transition lenses. My family has ordered many pairs of glasses through Zenni, as have some of my friends. Out of all of those glasses my ‘circle’ has purchased, only 1 pair had an issue and it was due to a manufacturer error which Zenni covered.

    As with every company, you need to read the policies and understand them, along with descriptions and measurements. If the measurements are wrong, send them a photograph via email proving what you received does not match the measurements or call customer service and discuss the issue with them, perhaps even ask for a supervisor if you feel the rep isn’t helping or understanding you. I work customer service elsewhere and over 90% of our returns are due to people no reading or understanding measurements of the product they are purchasing, or not reading the description. Most of our return policy complaints are from people who either didn’t bother to read the policies or feel it shouldn’t apply to them.

  10. I have bought four pairs of glasses from Zenni at a cost of about $50 per pair, that would have cost me over $2,000 to buy locally. One pair was barely usable, but they will do in a pinch.

    You get what you pay for.

  11. I have been ordering from Zenni for about twelve years now. I’m a welder and am EXTREMELY tough on eyewear. I’ve never had a problem with them and the reason I’m here is because I just got two pair from them and they are perfect. I wish I could say that about my experiences when I first started out wearing glasses and buying locally. Example: I paid 400 bucks for FRAMES (!) that were titanium and supposed to last until the next ice age but broke within a year and then I was told, “they don’t make that frame any longer and we can’t get parts.” THAT was the endo for me! I’ve had Zenni glasses checked by an optometrist and they were spot on, much to their chagrin.

    That someone would have a cow over for what is about 2-1/2 worth of lattes is just mind boggling. Like some have said; use your head. I’m seventy years old and will die wearing Zenni spectacles!

  12. I have used Zenni for about 10 years now and have only had one pair of glasses that were not perfect. At these prices I just threw them away. when you find the right ones that fit your face just order some more and if they aren’t right they’ll take them back. of course they can’t give you 100% money back they spent time making them to your specifications be reasonable. They have saved me thousands of dollars over the years. And the prescription sunglasses make me a happy man get polarized every time. $50. A bargain.

  13. This company is awful. Their return policy is terrible. They won’t give a refund even if it was their mistake. I ordered glasses and couldn’t see anything out of them. Reordered in the USA with same prescription and they are perfect. Don’t use this company. Awful

  14. I have 5 pairs of glasses from Zenni that were ordered on 2 separate orders. And the glasses came in perfect all 5 of them.

  15. What they have is a scam. My glasses are full of scratches after just 30+ days even using their soft cloth and their cleanser. Their warranty is just 30 days! And as others wrote, the shipping cost will take most of what I paid for. TERRIBLE SCAM COMPANY

  16. You’re being completely unreasonable. They even state on their website that the reason you get 50% back is because it’s a custom order and used material. Plus it’s such a fraction of the cost of going other places like lenscrafters. The pictures of the glasses are two different frames. One has a frame around the entire lenses and the other doesn’t. You’re the problem.

  17. I have ordered over 12 pairs of Zenni’s for myself, wife and 2 kids. The glasses are well made. As good as anything purchased locally. The pir return policy is a joke. Basically there are no refunds. But I am saving 85% on price so who cares? If I get a lemon, which hasn’t happened, I would simply try something new.

    It took me a couple of orders to figure out the nuance. If you need it 100% right the first time, spend $450 at Visionworks.

  18. I’ve been using them for years & have never had a bad experience. Some do seem cheaply made but when you’re only paying $15-$20 for prescription glasses, what do you expect? I tried on glass at the optometrist after an exam to know the exact size I was looking for & have yet to be disappointed.

  19. @Brooke, you think it’s “unreasonable” to expect something to work? I don’t give a damn what the cost was. If you are operating a reputable business and you offer your product you claim is high quality for a price YOU determined, how is it MY fault that it turns out to be garbage, even if it is “custom made” garbage? Jesus, you are thick.

  20. That return policy doesn’t sound great but maybe they changed things up a bit since this post was created because I was reading that you get 50% back minus S&H and a 100% store credit as a one time courtesy? Just wondering if you read all the measurements for the pair online (arm length…etc..) or did you just go by the medium/ medium large icon? I’m hoping not to get screwed when get my zenni’s in!

  21. We ordered a total of three pairs. One was good, one okay, and one not wearable. When I checked into returning, it hardly seemed worth the trouble. I don’t really fault ZenniOptical because they’re clearly selling low-cost glasses with little profit markup. Still, a part of me feels wasteful having a pair of glasses sitting here that no one will wear.

  22. I have bought glasses from Zenni’s many times at least 10 and two of those times I made a mistake, typos, They gave me a 100% credit and I just reordered correcting the typos. It was easy and they did not give me any grief. I think the 50% refund is reasonable considering they can’t resell the glasses you don’t like

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