HP BT450 Bluetooth XP Driver

Yesterday, I spent a good 10+ minutes looking for a driver, the HT BT450 Bluetooth Adapter driver. I Google’ed, then I Yahoo!’ed, then I went straight to HP’s support website… always using the keywords: hp bt450 bluetooth xp driver. I either got nowhere or found the Vista version, here. That was until I found this page… and the direct link to the driver, here. I hope this helps someone else, because 10+ minutes of “searching” is way too long especially for a driver! -Thuan

0 Replies to “HP BT450 Bluetooth XP Driver”

  1. Thank you very much! Good driver. I can’t believe how useless the HP support site is when trying to find drivers for this device.

  2. Their website doesn’t work at the moment so this was a big help.
    The problem they have is they ask you to select your OS from a drop down box to download the driver but the drop down box was empty! I’m sure they’ll fix it soon though.

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